Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Hong Kong Journal of AI and Medicine

Machine Learning for Customer Lifetime Value Prediction in Insurance: Techniques, Models, and Case Studies

Bhavani Prasad Kasaraneni
Independent Researcher, USA

Published 07-05-2023


  • Machine Learning (ML),
  • Decision Trees


Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) prediction plays a pivotal role in the insurance industry, empowering companies to cultivate stronger customer relationships, optimize resource allocation, and bolster profitability. This research investigates the burgeoning application of machine learning (ML) techniques for accurate CLV prediction within the insurance domain. The paper comprehensively examines a spectrum of ML models, dissecting their efficacy in unraveling the intricate patterns of customer behavior that significantly influence long-term value.

We commence by establishing the critical role of CLV prediction in the insurance industry. Traditional actuarial methods, while well-established, often struggle to account for the nuanced dynamics of contemporary customer behavior. Machine learning, in contrast, offers a more robust and data-driven approach, enabling insurers to leverage vast repositories of customer data to extract valuable insights and make informed predictions. Subsequently, the paper explores the fundamental concepts of machine learning, with a particular focus on supervised learning algorithms. We delve into prevalent regression techniques, including linear regression, ridge regression, and lasso regression, critically appraising their suitability for CLV prediction tasks. Each regression model offers distinct advantages and disadvantages. Linear regression, for instance, provides a foundational understanding of the linear relationships between customer attributes and CLV. However, it may struggle to capture complex non-linear patterns that are often prevalent in real-world data. Ridge regression and lasso regression address this limitation by incorporating regularization techniques that mitigate overfitting and enhance model generalizability.

We further explore the realm of tree-based models, including decision trees and random forests, which have garnered significant attention for their interpretability and ability to handle non-linear data. Decision trees partition the data space into distinct segments based on a series of decision rules, enabling the creation of a tree-like structure that illuminates the factors driving customer CLV. Random forests, on the other hand, leverage ensemble learning by constructing a multitude of decision trees, each trained on a random subset of features and data points. By aggregating the predictions from these individual trees, random forests can enhance overall model accuracy and robustness.

Furthermore, the paper investigates the application of ensemble methods, particularly gradient boosting and XGBoost, which have emerged as frontrunners in CLV prediction tasks. Ensemble methods combine the strengths of multiple weak learners to create a robust and highly accurate predictive model. Gradient boosting iteratively builds a sequence of models, where each subsequent model strives to rectify the errors of its predecessor. XGBoost, a prominent variant of gradient boosting, incorporates additional enhancements such as regularization and feature importance scoring, further bolstering its effectiveness in CLV prediction. These ensemble methods excel at handling complex non-linear relationships between customer attributes and CLV, offering superior predictive performance compared to traditional regression models.

We then delve into the burgeoning field of deep learning, exploring the potential of recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for CLV prediction. RNNs are adept at capturing temporal dependencies within sequential customer data, such as past policy purchases or claims history. This makes them particularly suitable for insurance applications where customer behavior evolves over time. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs), on the other hand, excel at extracting hidden features from complex data structures. For instance, CNNs can be employed to analyze customer text data, such as social media posts or call center transcripts, to glean valuable insights that may not be readily apparent in traditional feature engineering approaches.

To solidify the theoretical framework, the paper presents real-world case studies across diverse insurance sectors. We illustrate the implementation of various ML models for CLV prediction in scenarios such as auto, health, and property & casualty insurance. The case studies delve into data pre-processing techniques, feature engineering strategies, and model selection processes. We emphasize the importance of robust evaluation metrics tailored to the specific CLV prediction task, such as Mean Squared Error (MSE) and R-squared, for gauging model performance.

Through a critical analysis of the case studies, the paper identifies key factors influencing CLV in the insurance domain. These factors encompass a comprehensive customer profile, including demographics, past policy history, claims behavior, risk profile, and engagement with the insurance company. We discuss the interplay between these factors and their impact on the predicted CLV. For instance, customers with a history of on-time premium payments and low claims frequency are typically indicative of higher CLV, as they pose a lower risk to the insurer. Conversely, customers with a history of frequent claims or late payments may be assigned a lower predicted CLV.

In conclusion, the paper underscores the transformative potential of machine learning for CLV prediction in insurance. By leveraging sophisticated algorithms and rich customer data, insurance companies can gain deeper insights into customer behavior and predict long-term value with greater accuracy. This empowers them to develop targeted marketing campaigns, implement effective customer retention strategies, and ultimately achieve superior financial performance.


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