The Role of Conflict Management, Communication, and Mediation in Addressing Mental Health Challenges Among Older Veterans and Adolescents: A Comparative Study
Published 11-01-2023
- Mental health,
- conflict management,
- communication,
- mediation,
- older veterans
- adolescents,
- therapeutic strategies,
- comparative study ...More

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Psychological disorders are becoming more common in vulnerable groups, especially the older veterans and adolescents, and have a range of similar problems, including anxiety, depression, and relationship problems. Thus, despite the differences in mental health, both sample groups may find practical use in specific prescribed conflict resolution, communication, and mediation activities. This paper compares the efficacy of these therapeutic modalities in treatment of mental health disorders in older veterans as well as adolescent populations. With the fully explained methodological approach, separating diverse difficulties associated with each of the groups and assessing the efficiency of conflict resolution, communication, and mediation for enhancing MHOs. Conclusions derived from this research argue for the specificity of conflict resolution interventions for specific populations, the relevance of the relational factors that underpin both client-therapist and mediator-therapist interactions, and the central value of the mediation in maintaining the interpersonal relationships within these groups. These findings emphasize the importance of developing and activating age-appropriate, scientifically validated approaches to meet the mental health concerns of the older veterans and adolescents while enhancing clinic and mental health policies for these clients.
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